Monday, August 21, 2017

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9 Ways to be Happy and Makes Something of your  Life
  1. Be Grateful    
Image result for Gordon B. Hinckley
Gordon B. Hinckley

                               Being grateful is one of the 9 ways of being happy because when you are grateful for something that make you a person that doesn't take things for grated. You might thing that this doesn't make you happy but in reality you show people what kind of person you are people actually see that in a person even if you think they don't. Lets say your mom buys you a car and you are grateful you are going to take care of it and always give it it's maintains and when you take care of that car you are showing your mom gratefulness because you treating the car nice. But it doesn't just end there you must listen to your mom and not just take the car for grated you must do what she tells you to.  

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     2.Be Smart
                               Being smart is one of the 9 ways to be happy because when you are smart you weather to chose the right or the wrong. But if you are smart you will chose the right and then that will bring good thing in your life. Choosing the right is being smart because you rather do something that you know will cause something good then to do something bad.Being smart can help you make something out of your life because you will chose to follow your education and that can help you find a job that you will love.Being smart is not just about choosing the right but also being caring for other and  finding out a way not just for you but for everyone. "There are many harsh lessons to be learned from gambling experiences ,but the harshest one of all is knowing the differences between having fun and being smart."- Hunter S. Thompson

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     3. Be involved

             Being involved in activities  that help your community is one way to be happy and making something out of your life. getting involved in actives that help your community like cleaning the beaches feels really nice because i have done that and you just get this feeling that your community is something that you should value a lot. Not just being involved in community activities but also getting involved in church and being in that path that GOD has for you being involved in this will  really change your life in a good way.When you follow GOD you receive good blessing and he has change my life .Know you see why getting involved is one of the nine ways to being happy and making something out of your life.

  4. Be clean

             Being clean can help you become a better person because you become more organize and people see that in a person. Only lazy people that never want to do nothing are the ones that don't get a job and are worth less people. You might ask your self how being clean is one of the 9 ways to become someone in life being clean also means to be fair and to not do dirty things like lying or C.T.W. When you play fair you will always feel better because you know that it was a far match. Like some of the international athletes some times cheat and play it dirty but never get away with it so it's way better to play it safe and C.T.R.

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  5. Be True
        Being real with you friend and family is one of the 9 way to make something out of your self. When you are real and straight up you might lose some friends and those are the once that are not worth your time because they don't like you for who you are. Being straight up is way better then lying because none like lies and you will end up with no friends and you will never get job, none is going to trust you. That's being true is one of the 9 ways to make something out of your self.

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  6. Be Humble
          Being humble is a good thing because you don't show off what you have and when you are not humble you are always showing off and try to be better then everyone.When you become humble people look up to you and admirer what you do for what you have. A person that is not humble gets known for being a cocky and nobody likes those person at all.

   8. Be still

           Being still is one of the nine ways to become someone because when you are still you are a calm person that doesn't snap fast.This is a good thing because mean people try to get you mad it won't hit you and you can just ignore it and make it seem like it never happened in stead of making a big deal out of it.Be still can also mean to stick to your goal and never give up on what you are trying to accomplish. When you stick to a goal you will always accomplish that goal if you try your best.I know that you might think that being still means to not move or stay  silent but there is more into it.

     Final Reflection

  This nine ways to become someone in life have a point because they all have a reason to part of our life. Most of these way you should already be following them because this id what makes you a better person.   

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